To ensure safe and timely transportation for all students, please remember…
~Students should be at bus stops 5 minutes before bus comes, not any earlier.
~On the first day of school, the bus drivers ask that students come to their bus stops 10 minutes early.
~All students who need to cross the road at their bus stop, please wait for the bus driver to signal you across.
~Students must act responsibly and show respect for property at all bus stops.
Transportation Director – Jake Schmidt (507) 634-1177

Required Bus Safety Training for Students
All Kasson-Mantorville students receive bus safety training and must pass a test in order to continue riding any regular, sport or field trip bus. The State of Minnesota has reaffirmed that bus riding is not a right but rather a privilege. The state requires that students must show competency in riding a bus by the third week of school. The specific competencies include:
- Understanding that riding the bus is a privilege, not a right.
- Knowledge and understanding of district conduct and safety policies.
- Demonstrate appropriate conduct on the bus.
- Be able to explain the school bus danger zones.
- Understanding safe loading and unloading procedure.
- Demonstrating safe crossing procedures.
- Proficiency in bus evacuation and emergency drills.
The above will be taught in the classroom and on the buses the first week of school. Students failing the competencies will be assigned to special classes by the school transportation safety director. If students cannot demonstrate proficiency by the third week of school, they will be dropped from all regular, extra-curricular and field trips and an evening class with parents and student together will be scheduled for those who wish to access the bus riding privilege.
- Students should be at bus stops 5 minutes before bus comes, not any earlier.
- On the first day of school, the bus drivers ask that students come to their bus stops 10 minutes early.
- All students who need to cross the road at their bus stop, please wait for the bus driver to signal you across.
- Students must act responsibly and show respect for property at all bus stops.