Framework for Effective Teaching

Professional Growth and Evaluation Program

The Framework for Effective Teaching is the result of the collaboration and cooperation of Kasson-Mantorville teachers, administrators, School Board members, parents and nationally recognized authorities in the field of effective teaching research. In this framework, we have expressed what we believe effective teachers do and what the most recent research reflects. The Framework consists of five standards and three staff development programs. The ultimate goals are teacher growth and increased student achievement. We have done our best to capture the dynamic and interactive processes of teaching. We expect our educators to incorporate the five standards with their current successful practices. As with any effort of this magnitude, this process will be reviewed and modified to ensure that it continues to reflect the best practices.

This Framework for Effective Teaching is presented to the Kasson-Mantorville School District with the belief that it will enhance the tradition of excellence in K-M schools. All of those involved in the development of the Framework for Effective Teaching hopes it will serve as a valuable tool in our continuous pursuit of equity and excellence. The links to the forms are below. 

If you have questions, please ask your Teaching and Learning Coach or Administrator. 

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