Welcome to the Kasson-Mantorville School Nurse web page. You can reach us at the following:
District/HS Nurse:
Tammy Richard, RN-LSN 634-1108, t.richard@komets.k12.mn.us
MS Nurse:
Michelle Lurken, 634-1608, m.lurken@komets.k12.mn.us
ES Nurse:
Tanya Vanderpool 634-1567, t.vanderpool@komets.k12.mn.us
Should we not answer our phone, please leave a message and we will return your call at our earliest convenience.
Dental care is very important as our children grow. Here at KM, we offer a dental clinic twice during the school year. Once in the fall and once in the spring.
This applies to qualifying students. Stay tuned to our website for further information and online registration in August and again in February if needed. It will be mentioned at the meet the teacher days as well.
Flu Shot Clinic
KM offers a flu shot clinic to students in October of every school year. Please watch for updates on our website and information at our meet the teacher days. There will be an online form available that you will need to fill out if you would like your student to receive their flu vaccine at school. Mayo Clinic and Olmsted will be here administering vaccines.
Influenza-like Illness Symptom Screening Tool for Parents and Caregivers
Does your child have (check those that apply):
_____ Fever (100 degrees F or greater; take temperature before giving fever reducing medicine)?
_____ Sore Throat?
_____ Cough?
Should I Keep My Child at Home?
If you checked Fever AND either Sore Throat -or- Cough, keep your child home for at least 24 hours after his or her fever is gone without fever-reducing medicine. For many children this will be 5 to 7 days. Your child should feel well enough to participate in school before returning. If you have questions about your child’s health or symptoms, call your child’s healthcare provider.
If your child has been diagnosed by a healthcare provider with a different disease, or has been given antibiotics, keep your child home for at least 24 hours after starting the antibiotics.
Pediculosis(Head Lice)
Upon discovering a student with pediculosis, these procedures will be followed:
1. The parent/guardian will be notified by telephone to treat the child before returning to school the next day.
2. A head lice fact sheet and effective 14 day treatment plan will be sent home with the student.
3. Students may return to school the next day after treatment.
4. If reinfestation occurs, the procedure will be repeated.
Please contact your school nurse if you have further questions or concerns.
ImmunizIations are required before the first day of school in order to attend school in Minnesota.
Students must show proof of these immunizations or file a legal exemption with the school before attendance. Medical exemptions must be provided by your health care provider. Conscientious exemption forms must be signed by a parent/guardian and be notarized.
Schools will no longer be accepting the parent/guardian’s statement that the student has had chickenpox. Your medical doctor needs to sign a form saying that the student has already had chickenpox disease.
Fourth grade is a very exciting time in the life of your child. It’s a time in which many children begin to experience some physical and/or emotional changes associated with “growing-up”. We plan to provide a program to explain some of the changes they may be experiencing, or that they will experience soon. A letter will go home with your student(s) giving you more information and a date this will occur. It will also have an opt out form that will need to be signed if you do not wish for your child to attend.
Fifth and sixth grade also have a maturation class that further discusses the topics that are touched in the fourth grade class. A letter will go home before this class to give you more information, the date, and consent form. If you choose to not have your child attend please sign and return to school.
If you have an further question or concerns please do not hesitate to contact your school nurse.
To contact Minnesota Department of Health please visit their website at:
Emergency Contact Information
It is so important for the school to be able to contact you, especially in case of an emergency. Please go into the Infinite Campus Parent Portal and update all phone numbers, including any cell or work phone numbers and email addresses. Your help with this is greatly appreciated! t.richard@komets.k12.mn.us – High School |
Parents/Guardians are often faced with making a decision to keep their child at home or send them to school. Staying home and resting permits the body to combat an illness faster and prevents infecting others.
It is recommended that a child should remain at home if you are noticing any of the following:
♦Severe colds, cough or consistant sore throats
♦Vomiting, diarrhea, nausea or abdominal pain
Must be at least 24 hours free of vomiting or diarrhea to return to school
♦Temperature of 100.0 degrees F or more with or without other symptoms
Must be fever-free for at least 24 hours, WITHOUT using fever-reducing medications to return to school
♦New skin rashes, especially if a discharge is present. If a medical opinion states otherwise, please bring Doctor’s note that states the rash is non-communicable
♦If your child has been on antibiotics for 24 hours or more they may return to school, unless fever is still present WITHOUT using fever reducing medicaitons
We hope the above information is helpful when making the decision to keep your child home or send them to school. If you still have some concerns please call your family Doctor or the school nurse for further help. Thanks.